November 16, 2018 •
The WRHS JROTC Color Guard team of cadets Bryant Orozco, Amadeus Nievas, Chandni Singh, and Eden Salcedo performed at the Great Valley Elementary School Veterans Day Ceremony. Mrs. Davis, principal, honored veterans, American Legion Karl Ross Post veterans, and Stockton Army recruiters in front of the entire school body. The American Legion members performed a flag folding ceremony. Afterwards, the veterans, recruiters, and the cadets read a book about veterans to the school children.
JROTC Color Guard teams and cadets involved in events during the Veterans Day weekend. Top photo – Friday: HOSA Conference whereas our very own Ms. Checketts sang the National Anthem; 2nd photo – Friday: Great Valley school Color Guard team leading the active military and veterans to the podium; 3rd photo – Saturday: Delta College Football game honoring veterans which cadets from WRHS, Edison, and Franklin JROTC programs unfurled a big US flag for the opening ceremony; and last photo: Monday: Stockton Record newspaper – University of the Pacific Color Guard team of Chandni Signh, Bryant Orozco, Karman Basra and Vanessa Lutz present the Colors during Veterans Day ceremony.
(All credit belongs to cougarpwol.net)